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发布日期: 2024-04-22
访问量: 1468
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图2. ULTRA系列多色分束器,具有5个传输带,全部由反射带隔开。


▪ 透过率可达99%

▪ Up to 99% transmission

▪ 反射率可达99.5%

▪ Up to 99.5% reflection

▪ 波长误差±0.5% Edge wavelength

▪ Tolerances as tight as ± 0.5% of edge wavelength

▪ 波长范围UV to IR可选

▪ Edge wavelengths from the UV to the mid IR

▪ 陡度:1% Edge wavelength @10%T~90%T

▪ Edge transitions as steep as 1% of edge wavelength from 10% T to 90% T

▪ 透过波前差(RMS):极优0.01λ per inch @ 632.8 nm

▪ TWE as low as 0.01 wave RMS / inch measured at 632.8 nm



所有ULTRA系列二向色和多色滤光片均可定制为超平面滤光片,以Z大限度地减少失真并保持成像和基于激光的荧光系统的Z佳性能。将超平面二色性纳入这些系统将产生清晰的图像,Z小的焦点位移和准确量化目标分子。当在632.8nm处测量时,可以定制超平坦二向色滤光片,其具有优于0.1波长PV /英寸的平坦度。


504_605 ULTRA Dualband Dichroic Beamsplitter
Item Number7178
Angle of Incidence 45 Degrees
Cut-On Wavelength 504 nm ± 3.0 nm, 605 nm ± 4.0 nm
Transmission Band(s) 509 to 540 nm > 93% T Average, 614 to 700 nm > 93% T Average
Reflection Band(s) 400 to 495 nm > 95% R Average, 569 to 596 nm > 95% R Average
Parallelism < 3.0 Arcseconds
Transmitted Wavefront Error < 0.25 Wave RMS @ 632.8nm
Substrate Type Fused Silica
Dimensions25.2x35.6 mm
Filter Thickness1.05 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
402_502 ULTRA Dualband Dichroic Beamsplitter
Item Number7169
Angle of Incidence 45 Degrees
Cut-On Wavelength 402 nm ± 3.0 nm, 502 nm ± 3.0 nm
Transmission Band(s) 409 to 451 nm > 93% T Average, 509 to 700 nm > 93% T Average
Reflection Band(s) 325 to 395 nm > 95% R Average, 465 to 495 nm > 95% R Average
Parallelism < 3.0 Arcseconds
Transmitted Wavefront Error < 0.25 Wave RMS @ 632.8nm
Substrate Type Fused Silica
Dimensions25.2x35.6 mm
Filter Thickness1.05 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
411_505_582_669_763 ULTRA Pentaband Dichroic Beamsplitter
Item Number7206
Angle of Incidence 45 Degrees
Cut-On Wavelength 411 nm ± 3.0 nm, 505 nm ± 3.0 nm, 582 nm ± 3.0 nm, 669 nm ± 4.0 nm, 763 nm ± 4.0 nm
Transmission Band(s) 417 to 459 nm > 93% T Average, 513 to 529 nm > 93% T Average, 592 to 616 nm > 93% T Average, 681 to 727 nm > 93% T Average, 772 to 848 nm > 93% T Average
Reflection Band(s) 200 to 402 nm > 95% R Average, 476 to 495 nm > 95% R Average, 548 to 571 nm > 95% R Average, 638 to 657 nm > 95% R Average, 746 to 752 nm > 95% R Average
Parallelism < 3.0 Arcseconds
Transmitted Wavefront Error < 0.25 Wave RMS @ 632.8nm
Substrate Type Fused Silica
Dimensions25.2x35.6 mm
Filter Thickness1.05 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
498_653 ULTRA Dualband Dichroic Beamsplitter
Item Number7119
Angle of Incidence 45 Degrees
Cut-On Wavelength 498 nm ± 3.0 nm, 653 nm ± 4.0 nm
Transmission Band(s) 505 to 570 nm > 93% T Average, 663 to 850 nm > 93% T Average
Reflection Band(s) 350 to 491 nm > 95% R Average, 600 to 643 nm > 95% R Average
Parallelism < 3.0 Arcseconds
Transmitted Wavefront Error < 0.25 Wave RMS @ 632.8nm
Substrate Type Fused Silica
Dimensions25.2x35.6 mm
Filter Thickness1.05 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
458_532_597 ULTRA Triband Dichroic Beamsplitter
Item Number7192
Angle of Incidence 45 Degrees
Cut-On Wavelength 458 nm ± 3.0 nm, 532 nm ± 3.0 nm, 597 nm ± 3.0 nm
Transmission Band(s) 463 to 487 nm > 93% T Average, 537 to 549 nm > 93% T Average, 602 to 662 nm > 93% T Average
Reflection Band(s) 400 to 453 nm > 95% R Average, 497 to 527 nm > 95% R Average, 557 to 592 nm > 95% R Average, 672 to 900 nm > 95% R Average
Parallelism < 3.0 Arcseconds
Transmitted Wavefront Error < 0.25 Wave RMS @ 632.8nm
Substrate Type Fused Silica
Dimensions25.2x35.6 mm
Filter Thickness1.05 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
501_591 Dualband Dichroic Beamsplitter
Item Number7091
Angle of Incidence 45 Degrees
Cut-On Wavelength 501 nm ± 3.0 nm, 591 nm ± 3.0 nm
Transmission Band(s) 508 to 539 nm > 93% T Average, 600 to 682 nm > 93% T Average
Reflection Band(s) 450 to 495 nm > 95% R Average, 554 to 580 nm > 95% R Average
Parallelism < 3.0 Arcseconds
Transmitted Wavefront Error < 0.25 Wave RMS @ 632.8nm
Substrate Type Fused Silica
Dimensions25.2x35.6 mm
Filter Thickness1.05 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
558_658 ULTRA Dualband Dichroic Beamsplitter
Item Number7181
Angle of Incidence 45 Degrees
Cut-On Wavelength 558 nm ± 3.0 nm, 658 nm ± 4.0 nm
Transmission Band(s) 564 to 592 nm > 93% T Average, 665 to 725 nm > 93% T Average
Reflection Band(s) 470 to 547 nm > 95% R Average, 615 to 646 nm > 95% R Average
Parallelism < 3.0 Arcseconds
Transmitted Wavefront Error < 0.25 Wave RMS @ 632.8nm
Substrate Type Fused Silica
Dimensions25.2x35.6 mm
Filter Thickness1.05 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
491_574 ULTRA Dualband Dichroic Beamsplitter
Item Number7174
Angle of Incidence 45 Degrees
Cut-On Wavelength 491 nm ± 3.0 nm, 574 nm ± 3.0 nm
Transmission Band(s) 497 to 527 nm > 93% T Average, 582 to 700 nm > 93% T Average
Reflection Band(s) 390 to 485 nm > 95% R Average, 539 to 566 nm > 95% R Average
Parallelism < 3.0 Arcseconds
Transmitted Wavefront Error < 0.25 Wave RMS @ 632.8nm
Substrate Type Fused Silica
Dimensions25.2x35.6 mm
Filter Thickness1.05 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
499_654 ULTRA Dualband Dichroic Beamsplitter
Item Number7143
Angle of Incidence 45 Degrees
Cut-On Wavelength 499 nm ± 3.0 nm, 654 nm ± 4.0 nm
Transmission Band(s) 509 to 545 nm > 93% T Average, 664 to 890 nm > 93% T Average
Reflection Band(s) 390 to 489 nm > 95% R Average, 574 to 644 nm > 95% R Average
Parallelism < 3.0 Arcseconds
Transmitted Wavefront Error < 0.25 Wave RMS @ 632.8nm
Substrate Type Fused Silica
Dimensions25.2x35.6 mm
Filter Thickness1.05 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
409_496_567_655 ULTRA Quadband Dichroic Beamsplitter
Item Number7196
Angle of Incidence 45 Degrees
Cut-On Wavelength 409 nm ± 3.0 nm, 496 nm ± 3.0 nm, 567 nm ± 3.0 nm, 655 nm ± 4.0 nm
Transmission Band(s) 414 to 447 nm > 93% T Average, 502 to 519 nm > 93% T Average, 574 to 607 nm > 93% T Average, 663 to 800 nm > 93% T Average
Reflection Band(s) 365 to 404 nm > 95% R Average, 458 to 490 nm > 95% R Average, 530 to 560 nm > 95% R Average, 619 to 647 nm > 95% R Average
Parallelism < 3.0 Arcseconds
Transmitted Wavefront Error < 0.25 Wave RMS @ 632.8nm
Substrate Type Fused Silica
Dimensions25.2x35.6 mm
Filter Thickness1.05 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
520_590 ULTRA Dualband Dichroic Beamsplitter
Item Number7110
Angle of Incidence 45 Degrees
Cut-On Wavelength 520 nm ± 3.0 nm, 590 nm ± 3.0 nm
Transmission Band(s) 528 to 547 nm > 93% T Average, 599 to 800 nm > 93% T Average
Reflection Band(s) 350 to 512 nm > 95% R Average, 563 to 581 nm > 95% R Average
Parallelism < 3.0 Arcseconds
Transmitted Wavefront Error < 0.25 Wave RMS @ 632.8nm
Substrate Type Fused Silica
Dimensions25.4x35.9 mm
Filter Thickness1.05 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted
437_514_603 ULTRA Triband Dichroic Beamsplitter
Item Number7186
Angle of Incidence 45 Degrees
Cut-On Wavelength 437 nm ± 3.0 nm, 514 nm ± 3.0 nm, 603 nm ± 4.0 nm
Transmission Band(s) 443 to 471 nm > 93% T Average, 520 to 538 nm > 93% T Average, 611 to 700 nm > 93% T Average
Reflection Band(s) 370 to 431 nm > 95% R Average, 483 to 508 nm > 95% R Average, 555 to 595 nm > 95% R Average
Parallelism < 3.0 Arcseconds
Transmitted Wavefront Error < 0.25 Wave RMS @ 632.8nm
Substrate Type Fused Silica
Dimensions25.2x35.6 mm
Filter Thickness1.05 mm
Assembly TypeUnmounted


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